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The holiday season is a special time of year. It’s a time of gathering with friends and family, sharing stories of the year and looking ahead to what’s to come.

It’s a time spent around a roaring fire, keeping your home warm and your spirits bright — especially as we head toward colder winter weather.

At ChimneyTEK, we wish you, your family, and friends the merriest of holidays. We hope it’s an enjoyable and safe season for you. And we hope it’s our work that helps keep you safe this holiday season, whether we provided chimney sweep services to reduce the threat of a chimney fire or our chimney repair services that will keep yours stable for years to come.

We’re proud of the work we perform and the services we provide. We hope you’re happy with our work, too. And when you’re out and about celebrating the holiday season, perhaps at a friend’s or family’s home that has a fireplace, we would be honored if you recommended our services to them.

We can provide to your friends and family the same professional chimney cleaning services that keep you and your family safe year-round.

And if you have any concerns about your fireplace or chimney at any time of the year, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your safety is our concern.

In the meantime, from the ChimneyTEK family to yours, happy holidays!