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Fireplaces and chimneys, over time, can become smelly and emit an unpleasant odor. Most of the repulsive smells from a fireplace come from the creosote build-up on the interior walls of the chimney.

Creosote is a harmful by-product of fires that can catch fire when subjected to intense heat. Creosote is formed over time, and can grow to several inches thick posing a threat to your home, and create a foul odor.

In addition to creosote build-up, there are other sources of smells from the fireplace, including animals that think your chimney is a cozy home. Wild animals can create any number of odors. Rotting leaves stuck in the chimney also can cause unpleasant odors.

Beat Back Negative Air Pressure

  • There are two effective ways to rid your home of the smells coming from your fireplace: keep the smelly air from coming into your home or get rid of the smell at the source.
  • Negative air pressure causes chimney smells to enter the home through the fireplace. Negative air pressure is caused by changes of pressure inside the home that requires more air to enter the house through the fireplace and other entrances to compensate. Pressure changes in the home can be caused by the installation of new windows, new bathroom exhaust fans, a new furnace and more.
  • To help minimize air coming in from the fireplace:
    install a damper on to the top of the chimney that can be opened and closed by a chain. When your fireplace is not in use, close the damper.
  • Close the glass doors on your fireplace. Ensure that there is a tight seal to ensure no odors can get into the house from the chimney.
  • Close the damper inside your chimney. But keep in mind that damper seals can deteriorate over time, allowing some air into the home. Check the damper to make sure there is a tight seal.

Clean Your Chimney

In addition to reducing air from entering your home from the fireplace and chimney, a fireplace and chimney cleaning by professional chimney sweep services like ChimneyTEK will help keep your fireplace smelling clean (or not at all!).

A professional chimney cleaning service will remove excess creosote and remove any other sources of odors. They also can recommend other products — like dampers and more — to reduce smelly nuisances in the future.

Whether you’re in Baltimore, Columbia, Timonium or Annapolis, we can help eliminate any unpleasant odors coming from your chimney. Contact us today.